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Call to Action: Knife Rights / Pocket Knife Ban – Write Your Reps Now!

I just (9/09/09) received this from Doug Ritter (KnifeRights.org):

URGENT ACTION ALERT – Write House Members Now!

Time for the Final Push to stop Customs Pocket Knife Grab.  We need you to write NOW!  BUT, not all of you…

We have a targeted list of leaders of the House committees that will be involved in the Conference Committee that will decide if Amendment 1447 is included in the final bill. We need you to write ONLY if you are from their state, OR if you travel to their states for work or recreation (hunting, fishing, camping, etc.). In other words, to get their attention, you either need to be a constituent, or someone who supports their constituents with your money spent there. The states are:

New York
North Carolina

You’ll find a list of the targeted Congressmen with addresses, fax and web sites, along with links to a Model Letter to use to write the Congressmen and detailed instructions, here:




Time is of the essence.  You need to write TODAY!

This fight is not yet finished. All our efforts can be undone if Amendment 1447 doesn’t survive Conference Committee, which is not yet assured. Your letters will be critical in garnering the support we need.  Please, do it NOW!

In cooperation with our coalition partners, we have scheduled a day of meetings September 16th on Capitol Hill with the House Conference Committee leadership. Your letters will help set the stage for those meetings.  There is also the chance that this Conference Committee will meet prior to the 16th.  In that case, these letters become even more critical in backing up our ongoing lobbying efforts. Please help us get this job done. Write TODAY!

Although he says to only write if your Rep is on committee – I disagree.  Everyone should write and do it NOW.

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